Bir Kar / instant kava

52.99 98.99  TVA comprise

La description

This kava is named after the red(ish) colour appearance of stems (the word “kar” means red), this cultivar came into existence in the heartland of the lush island of Espiritu Santo (Vanuatu). This is also the only place in the world where it is currently cultivated and greatly appreciated by the local communities.

Comme toujours, nous avons fait tout notre possible pour nettoyer et éplucher méticuleusement chaque racine afin d'en améliorer la qualité et la texture.

Afin de présenter cette plante dans toute sa splendeur, nous l’offrons dans une proportion naturelle d'environ 70 à 80 % de souche pour 20 à 30 % de racines latérales. C'est ainsi que la nature l'a fait et nous pensons qu'elle a fait du bon travail.

Processing: fully washed and peeled. Water extracted from fresh (green) roots, finely filtered and dried in a temperature-controlled dehydrator.

Average laterals to stump ratio: natural (30-70)

Kava Europe offers 100% natural kava products made from nothing but pure, clean and noble kava roots. All of our products are sourced directly from The Kava Society Limited (Auckland, New Zealand).  Kava Europe (Pacific Elixir sp. z o. o., limited liability) is the only Kava Society’s official trading partner operating in Poland and the European Union. The products we offer are of the same grade as kava sold by the Kava Society in New Zealand and they all comply with the relevant New Zealand regulations when it comes to safety requirements and composition. To put it simply: we are 100% confident this is the finest kava in the world.

The colour of the product is light and beige.

Also, check our kava t-shirts and Accessoires.

Informations complémentaires


100g, 200g

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